Peach Jam Recipe

Peach jam is my most requested jam by my friends and family.  Believe me, I am always making different types of jam and letting my friends and family be the taste-testers!  People often ask how this jam has such a wonderful peach favor…my answer is overly ripened peaches.  They have the best flavor!

-Sissy Vessey


  • 4 cups finely chopped pitted peeled peaches

  • 2 tbsp lemon juice

  • 1 package (1.75 oz) regular powdered fruit pectin

  • 5 cups sugar*

*I use about ½ cup less sugar.  If you choose to do this, you will need to boil the jam for about 5 minutes or longer until you get the jam consistence.


  1. Prepare canner, jars and lids.

  2. In a large, deep, stainless-steel saucepan, combine peaches and lemon juice.  Whisk in pectin until dissolved.  Add ½ tsp of butter or margarine.  

  3. Bring mixture to full rolling boil (a boil that doesn’t stop bubbling when stirred) on high heat, stirring constantly.

  4. Add sugar to fruit mixture in saucepan.  Return to full rolling boil; boil exactly 1 minute, stirring constantly.  Remove from heat.  Skim off any foam with metal spoon.

  5. Ladle hot jam into hot clean, sterile canning jars to within ¼ inch of the upper rim of the jar.  Wipe rim. Center lid on jar.  Screw band down until resistance is met, then increase to fingertip tight.  

  6. Use either a hot water bath or steamer canner.  I use the steamer for my canning.  If you decide to use a canner steamer, follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. 

  7. For a hot water bath standard instructions would apply – place jars in a canner and cover with water by 2-inches.  Bring the water to a fully rolling boil.  When it reaches a full rolling boil, set the timer for 10 minutes for half-pints or 15 minutes for pints.  When timer goes off, use canning tongs to transfer the jars to a cooling rack.

  8. For both the hot water bath and steamer canner, leave the jars to cool, undisturbed, for 24 hours.  When fully cooled, wipe them with a clean, damp washcloth, then label.  

Makes about six 8-ounce jars.


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